The Magic Kingdom’s long running and extremely popular stage show, Dream Along with Mickey, is being closed later this year. Started in 2006, Dream Along With Mickey has been performed roughly 6 times a day, 365 days a year for nearly 10 years. That is nearly 22,000 performances!
This summer, the all-new live stage show “Mickey’s Royal Friendship Faire” will grace the grandest stage at Walt Disney World Resort with magic, music and merriment! Against the majestic backdrop of Cinderella Castle, Mickey Mouse and his friends will welcome favorite characters from some of Disney’s newest classics: “The Princess and the Frog,” “Tangled” and “Frozen.”
In “Mickey’s Royal Friendship Faire”, Mickey and his troupe of Merry Makers have been preparing to host a joyous festival and have ventured far and wide to invite friends from other lands to join their celebration. From the Land of the Bewitching Bayous, Goofy has invited Tiana, Naveen and Louis to add a little spice of New Orleans jazz to the party. From the Land of the Enchanted Woods, Donald Duck brings some new friends he met at the Snuggly Duckling, and Daisy introduces us to her special guests, Rapunzel and Flynn Rider. Finally, Mickey shares a surprise with Minnie, as he has traveled to the Land of the Mystic Mountains to invite Olaf, Anna and Elsa, who contributes a blast of her icy magic. It all culminates in a grand dance, as the Merry Makers invite all their special guests to join in the fun on this special day in Magic Kingdom Park!
Marking the first appearances by Tiana and Rapunzel in a show on the castle stage, “Mickey’s Royal Friendship Faire” brings to life beloved Disney stories both classic and contemporary in a spectacular performance featuring an original song, memorable music, lively dancing and special effects magic.
While no start date has been announced for the new show, Look for “Mickey’s Royal Friendship Faire” to make its debut sometime during this summer.
What do you think, will you miss Dream Along with Mickey or are you excited for Mickey’s Royal Friendship Faire?
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